Sunday, April 30, 2006

Coral Root Orchid

Very small orchid with around 1/4 inch flowers. It is very bizarre and the flowers look kind of alien. It has little or no chlorophyll, is symbiotic with a fungus that lives in the soil, and the plant has no visible leaves year round. It gets its name from the coral shaped roots.

Blue Eyed Grass

These flowers are about a half inch wide but I think they are cool.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

A bit of sunshine at last.


If anyone knows the name of some of the unkown plants I have posted please feel free to tell me.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Oxalis or Sorrel.

I found Orchids.

I found a few Coral Root Orchids this morning but it's raining so hard I can't get a shot. They are not very pretty but they are very bizarre plants that have little or no chlorophyll. I will try again tomorrow if the rain stops.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

This morning was very cold and foggy and it almost felt like winter again.

Honeysuckle 2



Still raining

Well I wanted rain.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Pink Phlox

Merry Bells

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I scouted around the woods today and the wild flowers are all soaking wet. Maybe I will take a few photos of mushrooms instead. I have been on the lookout for one of my favorite wildflowers called the Yellow Lady Slipper Orchid, but I haven't seen any as of yet. The wild orchids here are small but very interesting and unfortunately getting very rare.

Lady Fern

We have been having tornadic activity all night here, and a tornado watch is in effect till 2:00 am. Hurry up 2:00 am.

Monday, April 24, 2006



It rained for hours today, so much for the sprinklers.

Viola Pensylvanica

Sunlit trees 2

Well I thought it was going to rain yesterday but it never did. You could hear thunder in the distance and see clouds up north but still no moisture here. Time to break out the old sprinklers I guess.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Saturday, April 22, 2006

My gardens first rose of the year.




It's been a long day. I went to my aunts house this afternoon to get about 30 Cannas that she had no room for. The digging was worth it though, they are going to look really cool when they bloom.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Sunlit trees

I know most of the names of the wildflowers but some I do not. I will add them as I do a little research.


I have been out taking pictures again and I'm still picking off ticks. Unfortunately that's part of taking nature pictures.

Trillium and grassy field.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Barbarea and Spleenwort

Krigia Biflora

Wisteria with bee and spiderwort

Rue anemone



Well im looking forward to suse 10.1. I have only used linux as my operating system for about 2 years now and it took a little adjusting but i like the freedom and versatility linux gives me. Suse is my favorite distro but im always checking out new ones.

Dwarf flag

Well now that i have started my blog i better get to taking pics


Hazy Field

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